In the Washtenaw County case, the surrogate mother denies there was a commercial surrogacy contract, claiming she carried the twins gratutiously, only seeking reimbursement for her medical expenses. Ms. Kehoe disputes this, blames Michigan’s poor laws on this subject, and views Ms. Baker as a child-thief.
Over the past several months, as Michigan and the nation grind through a sustained recession, many articles have appeared pointing to the trend of couples staying together, despite a doomed marriage.
As the practice has spread among some judges in both Oakland and Genesse counties, members of the Criminal Defense Association of Michigan have began to organize a coordinated defense to the wrongful jailings.
You are a non-custodial parent planning a vacation to Cancun with your kids. Your passport has lapsed and you apply for a new one, along with your children.
Maximum temptation; continuous travel; lots of money. These are just some of the factors that contribute to the excessive divorce-rate among players in the NFL.